San Diego & Southern California
A/V Installer


About AVJoey

Joey has been in the Audio/Video business almost all his life.  He has been a technical person since he was 9 years old when he took apart his stereo system and put it back together. And it worked perfectly! You can always expect great pride in his work whether it’s hanging a LCD, LED or Plasma flat screen on your wall and/or installing and calibrating a Dolby Surround Sound System flush in your ceiling.

Please click either of the links above for more info on his services…

P.S. Don’t forget to become a Fan on his Facebook Page. Joey LOVES his job and it SHOWS!


About AVJoey

Joey has been in the Audio/Video and Disc Jockey business almost all his life.  He has been a technical person since he was 9 years old when he took apart his stereo system and put it back together. And it worked perfectly! You can always expect great pride in his work whether it’s hanging a LCD, LED or Plasma flat screen on your wall and/or installing and calibrating a Dolby Surround Sound System flush in your ceiling.

Please click either of the links above for more info on his services…

P.S. Don’t forget to become a Fan on his Facebook Page. Joey LOVES his job and it SHOWS!

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